Thursday, November 02, 2006


My pressure cooker! Nazar na lagay!

Star of all my imaginary cooking shows ; D
I am so happy I have this. Its a Futura from Hawkins. I brought it from home. It is SO cool! Potatoes boil in a few minutes, meat cooks in about 8 minutes, rice in 5... Its really a big saving on cooking gas!

Cooked in the pressure cooker above. I fried Italian herb sausage in olive oil, added roughly chopped garlic, fried it for a bit, added two little pink/red onions chopped fine, a small sprig of rosemary, two kashmiri chillies, a quill of cinnamon, fried it a bit more, added some roughly chopped coriander and mint and a few chives. Added washed rice fried it around and added enough tomato puree to almost cover the rice, and topped it up with chicken stock. You can use the commercial stock cubes BUT make sure they're MSG-free (MSG/Monosodium glutamate/Ajinomoto powder has been scientifically proven to significantly decrease mental development in children plus it makes some people's hair fall out... ). Then I closed the pressure cooker and left it on V. low heat for about 8 minutes. Sauteed some mushrooms in garlic butter and threw 'em in right at the end along with coriander and mint.
In hindsight I probably shouldn't have added the chives; cant stand that smell. It was good tho'!
You can add tomato based pasta sauce instead of puree. Leggo (NZ) is pretty good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey. I have a futura pressure cooker too! I love it and it is extremely useful. I let it whistle for 2 continuous minutes for Dhal. However, I have still not perfected the time to cook vegetables for Sambar, etc.